Name of the región: Armenia Quindío |
Main aspects |
Where is it
located? |
What is the weather
like? |
What do its people
look like? |
What places can
people visit there? |
activities can people do there? |
The city of Armenia
is located 290 kilometers southwest of Bogotá at an altitude of 1,483 meters
above sea level, with the following geographic coordinates: 4.3270 ° North
Latitude and 75.4120 ° West Longitude. It has an area of 121 km². It limits
to the north with the municipalities of Circasia and Salento, to the west
with the municipality of Montenegro, to the east with the municipality of
Calarcá and to the south with the municipality of La Tebaida. Armenia is
located near the central mountain range about 35 km from the top of La Línea. |
A cool and temperate climate with an average
temperature of twenty-one degrees Celsius. As in the rest of the department,
there are two rainy seasons that go from March to May and from September to
November; while January, February, June and July are the sunniest months,
when the temperature rises above twenty degrees Celsius |
Currently Armenia is the result of a joint effort
by the authorities and the population to make it a friendly city, with
identity and a sense of belonging. This can be seen in the cultural and
architectural attractions, in the infrastructure works and in the
entrepreneurial spirit of those who live in the city. |
• Open Skies Shopping Center, is a walking
environment that connects the northern sector of the city with the downtown
area. It was achieved with the pedestrianization of Carrera 14 from Calle 12
to Calle 22. |
Armenia is a warm
city to enjoy in peaceful walks through its main streets or in joyful
gatherings in cafes and ice cream parlors. The surroundings of the Plaza de
Bolívar, and especially Carrera catorce, are special places to carry out this
plan. The outdoor parks and the Comfenalco recreational center, on the
outskirts of the city, are also presented as alternatives for full leisure
and the coffee park that is located nearby |
these are some images of armenia and quimbaya
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